Very short description of the package
This package will help to display database dbSchema information from terminal or save in file
You can install the package via composer:
composer require --dev abkrim/db-schema
Show Schema information in tabular form
php artisan db-schema:show
Example output: Schema information in tabular form
If you want to see a specific table then pass table name or Namespace\\Model
php artisan db-schema:show --t=tableName or --t=Namespace\\Model
Note: Same condition will be applied for tables list view
Show Schema information in List
php artisan db-schema:list
Example output: Schema information in list
Avaliable Options in show and list:
or-t tableName
to provide table name or Namespace\Model -
or-c connectionName
to provide connection name
Show Table names and total rows
php artisan db-schema:simple
Example output: Tables name with rows count
Note: You may pass --c=connectionName
or -c connectionName
to display a specific connection dbSchema info
Show table definition
php artisan db-schema:table --t=tableName or --t=Namespace\\Model
Example output: Table definition with default page and limit
Avaliable Options in table:
or-t tableName
to provide table name or Namespace\\Model (e.g: --t=App\\User or --t=users). -
or-p PageNumber
to provide current page which you want to see -
or-o orderBy
to provide orderBy clause against a column (e.g: --o=id:desc or --o=id:asc [default asc]). -
or-l rowsLimitPerPage
to provide number of rows you want to display (e.g: --l=20). -
or-c connectionName
to provide connection name -
or-w widthOfTableCell
to provide character length of cell to show in tables (numeric [default=10]). -
to provide the column to display, you can provide comma (,) separated names to display (e.g: --s=name or --s=id,name).
php artisan db-schema:table --t=countries --p=4 --o=id:desc --l=25
Perform raw sql query
php artisan db-schema:query --r="your sql query"
Example output: Query result will be dumped in console
Avaliable Options in query:
or-r yourRawQuery
to provide your raw sql query (e.g: --r="select * from someTable limit 20"). -
or-c connectionName
to provide connection name (e.g: --c=mysql or -c sqlite)
Monitor database server
php artisan db-schema:monitor
Example output: Showing the database status
You can pass --i=integerNumber as refresh time interval and --c=ConnectionName as well
php artisan db-schema:monitor --i=3 --c=secondaryDatabase
composer test
Laravel versions
This package is only tested in Laravel 6.0 (not test at now, but are coming soon). For older versión try use original package
For older versions that do not have auto discover providers you may need to add service provider.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
Laravel Package Boilerplate
This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.